One major condition while being out on bail, is that the defendant cannot get into [...]
Bailing out of jail is a task that is less complex than most people think, [...]
As a new parent, you probably learned that being there for your child as they [...]
When you have been keeping up with legal cases in the news, have you ever [...]
If you think about it, getting arrested is a very selfish thing of you to [...]
When you were younger and watching all those cool crime shows on TV, you probably [...]
There is a right and a wrong way to bail bonds, just FYI. The wrong [...]
Being released from jail on what is called ‘own recognizance’ is reserved for the lucky [...]
There are two types of people: those who bail out of jail, and those who [...]
If you were to ask former clients of ours, what the best thing about Bakersfield [...]
Paying for bail or a bail bond is something that 1) you never thought you’d [...]
Bail for a defendant is going to be based on a number of criteria. What [...]
The number for Bakersfield Bail Bonds is 661-326-0601. You might want to remember that (and [...]
Among a parent’s most frightening thoughts is that their child is going to be or [...]
Compared to cash bail, bail bonds are a small cost. Bail bonds cost 10% of [...]
Every Halloween you and your boyfriend or girlfriend dress up in coordinating costumes: Mickey and [...]
Owning a gun is serious business and requires a serious process. In California, gun laws [...]
If you think that your family and friends are a bunch of crazies, then you [...]
When we think of posting bail, we generally think of the negatives: paying a lot [...]
When your loved one is in a jam and needs you to help pay for [...]
In case you didn’t know, in California, the legal age to smoke is 21, not [...]
If you have faced the horror of bearing witness to your loved one’s arrest, you [...]
Positive testimonials about a company from previous customers are a good indicator that the company [...]
Halloween for adults is completely different than Halloween for kids. Costumes are still involved, but [...]
If you are seeking a way to help bail your loved one out of jail [...]
Voting rights for some convicted felons in California could soon change – possibly. Currently in [...]
One unpaid parking ticket – you think you can get away with it for awhile. [...]
Even if your loved one is so befallen with guilt about the crime he or [...]
Whatever negative, threatening, and intimidating thoughts you have surrounding bail bonds and bail agents, you [...]
Cosigning onto a bail bond is a huge gesture of the signer towards the defendant [...]