Being stressed is never much fun, yet so many things can cause people stress on [...]
Yet again, a certain airline has made its way into headlines. This time a rabbit [...]
It is warming up here in California, meaning that fire season is growing closer. Nobody [...]
Summer is approaching, and for residents of the Antelope Valley, that means it’s time for [...]
These days, there is no denying how powerful social media is. It is a great [...]
I t would not surprise most people to learn that teenagers love their smartphones. Teens [...]
Ticket scalping is when a person resells their ticket to an event, like a concert [...]
H ave you ever traveled internationally and then upon returning to the United States, you [...]
M ore likely than not, high school seniors and 4th years in college are not [...]
“Driving is a privilege” is a phrase parents use often towards their teenage children when [...]
Proper etiquette is essential for making a good impression on other people, and this is [...]
Just like leaving your young child alone in a hot car is illegal in California, [...]
Did you know that California legislatures are trying to get rid of bail across the [...]
When someone, young or old, goes missing or gets lost, their loved one can be [...]
We have all heard about restraining orders, one way or another. However, we tend to [...]
For anyone who is starting to plan their July 4 activities, do not forget the [...]
Summer is approaching, and that means that many students will be finishing up their final [...]
California drivers, especially Los Angeles drivers, are known for being fast, impatient, and rude. However, [...]
Alcohol consumption increases during holidays and the weekends, and you can expect no different for [...]
The recent United Airlines incident involving a man being dragged off his overbooked flight has [...]
If you have ever tried to create something like a website, book, or video, then [...]
What we do know is that in California, drivers are prohibited from using their cell [...]
The consequences of failing to make your court-mandated child support payments run deep. The matter [...]
If you committed some sort of illegal action some years ago and continue to think [...]
If a person who is arrested and granted bail, but cannot afford it, they should [...]
What some people do not realize is that jails are funded by county and general [...]
The notion of allowing a defendant to post bail and be released from jail is [...]
A savings account acts as a financial security blanket. Ideally, this savings account will be [...]
When a person is arrested, it is too easy to believe that the rest of [...]