Whenever you are buying or paying for something, you want to know exactly how much it will cost. After all, you need to be sure that you can afford the thing in question, you don’t want to be surprised with hidden fees. This is especially true when it comes to bailing someone out of jail. You want to rescue your loved one from jail, but you also want to make sure that you can afford the bail.
Everyone wonders how much it costs to bail someone out of jail. Here in California, a single bail can cost several thousands of dollars. Luckily, being able to afford a loved one’s bail is as simple as contacting Bakersfield Bail Bonds. Here, we provide cheap bail bonds that only cost 10% of the bail that they are for.
With one of our bail bonds, if your loved one has a $20,000 dollar bail, a bail bond from us will only cost $2,000. That’s a 90% discount just for coming to us for help. In addition, we offer special discounts to clients who qualify and personalized payment plans for everyone. We do all of this to ensure that every Californian can afford to rescue their loved ones from jail.
We provide each of our clients with payment plans that break up the cost of the bail bond. Instead of having to pay that $2,000 up front, our clients only have to pay a small down payment and then pay off the remainder over the next few months. After the first payment is received, we post your loved ones bail, meaning they get out before you have finished paying for the bail bond.
We offer:
- 24/7 Bail Bond Service
- FREE Consultation
- 20% Discount
- Phone approvals
- 0% Interest Payment Plans
- No Hidden Fees
- No Collateral with Working Co-Signer
- Se habla Español
When trying to bail someone out of jail at an affordable price, contact Bakersfield Bail Bonds. We have over 30 years of bail experience and we use that to provide our clients with bail bonds that they can afford. Let us help you too.
Call Bakersfield Bail Bonds at 661-326-0601 and get your FREE consultation or click Talk To An Agent Now to chat.